Inspiring Blogs that Motivate-2009

This post is submitted for the Group Writing Project: 2009 in Review (run by Daily Blog Tips)

I am very much a novice blogger. I have kept up with a personal family blog for past one year. It is only very recently that I  have decided to write more about my interests and share more with the global community. The increased interest in blogging was kindled by the inspiring blogs I will share in this post. I also refer to them as the Empowering Blogs!

All-time favourite: Simply indispensable. Enough said!

Another all time favourite: Love the down-to earth writing style and such practical tips. The ideas share are very much needed for this organisation-challenged moi.

This site rekindled my interest in cooking Indian food and now family does not always put up with non-spicy western food (which are definitely so much faster and easier to cook!)
There are too many other foodie blogs to share but when you come across one, there will be numerous quality links there for more culinary adventures.

I need to be firmly rooted to my local community and its demands. The following sites by same author help me and educate me.

The VIB (very important blogs) posts that inspired my journey as a blogger and soapmaker:

Lastly but not least at all- the following sites empower me as a blogger/ writer:

While learning from the above blogs, I have also realised that knowing and understanding alone is not sufficient to be empowered. One needs to act on the knowledge gained and actually apply the learning. That truly is the beginning of better living, blogging and writing. 

Share with me any blogs/ websites that have inspired you. I would love to visit them too! ;D

2 responses to this post.

  1. Thank you,
    I look forward toyour read- maybe we can correspond together onthe Loving ofthe Earth.


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